I want to take time and give a round of huge applause to his teachers, especially Amrita mam. Jainam was able to write only capital English letters when class started this year, and during these online classes, today, he is able to read big sentences and write everything himself, without my help. It's a tremendous improvement I have seen in Jainam in the last couple of months.
I really appreciate the teachers' efforts and want to give another round of applause.
Mr. Alpesh Modi (Parent)
This is to inform you that Aaryan Atal and Bhoumik Gulecha have bagged the Gold Medal in IMO from 4 Deneb. Big Thanks to you Ma'am. Appreciate all the efforts you have made to bring kids to this level.
Ms. Anju Atal (Parent)
We are very pleased with Anavi's progress in online classes and the efforts that teachers have put in are really commendable. It's really appreciable that Teachers are getting used to this new system and going out of their way to give their best so that these little kiddos can understand the topics.
Thank you to the whole team. Just one more thing that if possible please check daily if the child has completed the daily task and their handwriting part as well. Thanks once again and please feel free to use this feedback on any social media
Ms. Arpita Pasari ( Parent)
It's been 5 years since my daughter started going to Orbis 1, I do not recall a day she has not been excited to go to school. This indicates the kind of environment maintained in the school. Everything is organized and smooth which reflects the kind of effort put in by everyone. Teachers are so talented that they understand each and every kid very well and accordingly they are dealt in coordination with and regular interaction with parents. School strongly follow no touch policy and equal opportunity and no one is left behind.
Mr. Arun Kumar Vishwakarma (Parent)
I was one of the fortunate ones to witness the mind-blowing presentation put together by the school at the Orbitria 2022-23 event. My heartiest congratulations to the Orbis team. The lustre of Orbitria 2022-23 was no less than a Filmfare or a Star Screen Awards show. It was amazing to see the potential of Orbians at this young age. All credit goes to the teachers and the relentless efforts put in by them.
Ms. Sanobar Khan(Parent)
I would like to express my gratitude towards the teachers and team from Orbis School for their efforts taken during this period of pandemic.
We parents of Agraja Shelke from the Sr. KG class want to appreciate teachers' enthusiasm and involvement in making online classes successful. We can understand the unprecedented situation however you and your team continued the learning process for our wards. The toughness of the situation and the extra miles required to make these initiatives successful from your end has proven the school's commitment towards celebrating learning.
We congratulate you all for your successful efforts and just want to say "Thanks a lot to all of you"
Mr. Sandeep Shelke (Parent)