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Orbis School's Cutting-Edge Curriculum: Preparing Class 11th & 12th Students for Tomorrow's Challenges

In an ever-evolving educational landscape, schools play a crucial role in equipping students with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in today’s VUCA world. The Orbis Schools stand at the forefront of innovation in education, offering a cutting-edge curriculum designed to prepare Class 11th & 12th students for the challenges of tomorrow. The key components that make The Orbis School's curriculum truly exceptional are:

Specialized Streams and Tech-Integrated Subjects: The Orbis Schools recognize the importance of catering to diverse interests and career aspirations. Through specialized streams tailored to individual strengths and interests, students have the opportunity to delve deeper into subjects they are passionate about. Additionally, the integration of technology across various subjects ensures that students are well-versed in essential digital skills, preparing them for the demands of the 21st-century workforce.

Industry-Relevant Skills Development at The Orbis Schools

Industry-Relevant Skills Development: In today's competitive job market, employers seek candidates who possess not only academic knowledge but also practical skills relevant to their respective industries. The Orbis Schools place a strong emphasis on skills development, offering hands-on learning experiences and internship opportunities that expose students to real-world challenges and scenarios. By honing skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication, students are better equipped to navigate the complexities of the professional world.

Project-Based Learning and Real-World Applications: As opposed to rote memorization and passive learning, The Orbis Schools embrace a project-based approach to education, where students actively engage in inquiry, exploration, and collaboration to solve complex problems. By applying their knowledge to real-world challenges, students develop a deeper understanding of concepts and acquire valuable skills such as teamwork, creativity, and adaptability.

Empowering Students for the Digital Future

The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Coding in the Curriculum: As we move towards an increasingly digital future, proficiency in artificial intelligence (AI) and coding has become indispensable. As such, the curriculum incorporates modules on AI and coding, equipping students with the foundational knowledge and practical skills needed to navigate the increasingly technology-driven world. From basic programming concepts to advanced AI algorithms, students are empowered to become digital innovators and problem solvers.

In conclusion, Orbis School's cutting-edge curriculum goes beyond traditional education paradigms, providing students with the skills, knowledge, and experiences they need to thrive in an ever-changing world. By embracing specialized streams, industry partnerships, project-based learning, and technology integration, Orbis School empowers Class 11th & 12th students with the requisite skills and mindset to become innovative thinkers, problem solvers, and leaders of tomorrow.

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Science Day: 28th February 2024
Theme: Indigenous Technologies for Viksit Bharat

National Science Day is celebrated in India on February 28th each year to commemorate the discovery of the Raman Effect by Sir C.V. Raman in 1928. This day not only pays tribute to one of India's greatest scientists but also serves as a reminder of the importance of indigenous scientific research and technological advancements. The theme for National Science Day 2024, ‘Indigenous Technologies for Viksit Bharat,’ as proposed by the Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Science & Technology, underscores the crucial role of homegrown technologies in fostering the development of a prosperous and self-reliant India.

Empowering Communities with Indigenous Technologies

Indigenous technologies empower local communities by providing them with tools and solutions tailored to their specific needs and challenges. Whether it's in agriculture, healthcare, renewable energy, or information technology, indigenous technologies promote self-reliance by reducing dependency on imports and expertise. By encouraging local innovation and entrepreneurship, Viksit Bharat aims to build a robust ecosystem where indigenous technologies flourish, creating jobs and driving economic growth.
During the launch event of the Digital India FutureLABS Summit 2024 at IIIT-Delhi, significant strides were made in the transfer of indigenous technologies developed under the InTranSE Program of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY). Among these technologies were the Thermal camera, CMOS camera, and Fleet Management System designed and developed by CDAC Thiruvananthapuram. These technologies, aimed at enhancing various industrial processes, highlight the potential of indigenous innovations to address real-world challenges and drive industrial growth.

Boosting Indigenous Technology: Initiatives and Impacts

Prime Minister Narendra Modi also unveiled the SPRINT Challenges during the event, targeting the usage of indigenous technology in the Indian Navy. Some of these are Carbon Nanotubes/Aerogel-based fabrics which offer multiple usages, including camouflage against IR cameras, enhancing the Navy's stealth capabilities in various operational scenarios. Additionally, the Navy incorporated indigenous Monolithic Lens Providing unparalleled magnification, to enhance the Navy's surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities, contributing to situational awareness and operational effectiveness.
Encouraging the concept of indigenous technology in schools is paramount to nurturing a culture of innovation and self-reliance from an early age. Hands-on projects and practical demonstrations that utilize local resources and traditional knowledge can provide students with a deeper understanding of indigenous technologies and their applications. Moreover, establishing partnerships with local industries and research institutions can offer students opportunities for real-world exposure and collaboration in developing indigenous solutions to local challenges.

The theme of ‘Indigenous Technologies for Viksit Bharat’ underscores the importance of fostering homegrown innovations to achieve the vision of a developed and self-reliant India. By harnessing the power of indigenous technologies, India can empower its citizens, promote sustainable development, bridge socioeconomic divides, and enhance its global competitiveness. As we celebrate National Science Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to nurturing and promoting indigenous technologies as catalysts for Viksit Bharat's journey toward prosperity and progress.

Kirti Naik
PGT Chemistry

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Greetings to our vibrant school community! Today, let's dive into the heart of World Thinking Day, a celebration that goes beyond textbooks and classrooms to empower our students to reflect, connect, and enact real change. As Albert Einstein aptly stated, "The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking." Let us explore the profound theme for World Thinking Day 2024: "Our World, Our Thriving Future: The Environment and Global Poverty."

This year's theme goes beyond the rhetoric, emphasizing the genuine links between environmental sustainability and poverty reduction. It's not just a tagline; it's a call to action for our students. How can we, in our everyday lives, contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future? This theme challenges our girls to roll up their sleeves and find practical solutions. It challenges them to consider how their actions, no matter how small, can make a lasting impact on the world.

World Thinking Day catalyzes learning, connecting, and taking action on these pivotal issues. It is a day to reflect on our roles in the global community, inspired by the timeless message of Lord Baden-Powell: "Try and leave this world a little better than you found it." In embracing this philosophy, students have the opportunity to unite their voices, talents, and passions to create a ripple effect of positive change.

Through collaborative efforts, students can grasp the intricate links between environmental sustainability and poverty reduction. Workshops, discussions, and interactive sessions can provide a platform for shared learning experiences, fostering a sense of shared responsibility. By understanding the challenges faced by our global neighbours, students are better equipped to devise meaningful solutions and advocate for change.

World Thinking Day is not just a day of reflection; it is a call to action. We at Orbis encourage students to initiate projects, big or small, that contribute to a better future. From sustainable initiatives within our school to community outreach programs, each endeavour shapes a more compassionate and environmentally conscious world. Students are also motivated to initiate realistic endeavours within our school, like waste reduction programs, energy conservation initiatives, or community gardens. These projects not only contribute to a better future but also provide a sense of achievement and responsibility and the satisfaction that we can truly leave the world a little better than we found it.

On this World Thinking Day, let the spirit of reflection, empowerment, and connection guide us towards a future where our world thrives with sustainability, equity, and shared prosperity. Together, as a community of inspired learners, let us embrace the challenge of leaving an indelible mark on our world—one thoughtful action at a time. Happy World Thinking Day!

Rina Anthony

12c Deneb

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In the dynamic landscape of education, the collaboration between parents and teachers plays a pivotal role in ensuring the holistic development and academic success of students. This partnership becomes even more crucial in Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) schools, where a comprehensive and balanced approach to education is emphasized. The CBSE curriculum is designed to promote a well-rounded education that goes beyond academics. It places a strong emphasis on co-curricular activities, life skills, and character development. Parent-teacher collaboration becomes essential in aligning the efforts of both home and school to support students in navigating the multifaceted challenges presented by the CBSE system.

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful collaboration between parents and teachers. Regular parent-teacher meetings, newsletters, and digital platforms can facilitate
transparent and open lines of communication. These interactions provide parents with insights into their child's progress, strengths, and areas that may need additional attention.
When parents and teachers work together, they can create a supportive learning environment that extends beyond the classroom. Teachers can share strategies for reinforcing concepts at home, and parents can offer valuable insights into their child's learning style, interests, and challenges. This collaborative effort ensures a consistent and reinforcing educational experience for the student. Top CBSE schools in Pune may organise programs to educate parents on the latest educational methodologies, child psychology, and effective parenting techniques. This helps parents better understand their child's needs and creates a more collaborative and supportive environment.

CBSE schools often have a rigorous academic curriculum, and some students may face challenges in keeping pace with certain subjects. Collaborative efforts between parents and teachers can identify areas where students may need extra support or alternative teaching methods. This proactive approach helps in addressing academic challenges promptly, preventing students from falling behind. CBSE schools in Pune, like in any other region aims to foster not only academic excellence but also the overall development of students. By working together, parents and teachers can identify opportunities for students to engage in extracurricular activities, sports, and community service. This holistic approach contributes to the development of well-rounded individuals who are not only academically proficient but also socially and emotionally resilient. By emphasizing the importance of effort, perseverance, and learning from mistakes, both parents and teachers contribute to creating a positive and resilient attitude toward challenges. This mindset not only supports academic success
but also prepares students for lifelong learning and adaptability.

To conclude, In CBSE schools, the collaboration between parents and teachers is more than a partnership; it's a shared commitment to the success and well-being of the students. By fostering open communication, addressing academic challenges, and promoting holistic development, this collaboration lays the foundation for a positive and enriching educational experience. Together, parents and teachers can empower students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally, preparing them for a successful future.



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Internet is used every day and everywhere these days right from vegetable vendors to space to filmmaking. These days it is even used in cooking, comedy, and politics to fetch the data.   Be it any career internet has become the spearhead. It not only provides an opportunity for strengthening the economy but also strengthens communication and relationships. It has evolved medical and business in such a way that it has become a torchbearer of social evolution.  Hence it becomes more important to recall that the internet is a public space that is accessible to all and that once something is posted, it can be difficult and impossible to remove it. It’s also important to be aware of potential scams and phishing attempts, as well as the risks of sharing personal data or information online. 


Each one of us today is aware of the hazards of not being vigilant on the internet. Constant reminders to ensure the safety of all forms of personal data, be it passwords, or photographs, are splashed across all offices, schools and organisations through repeated advertisements, counselling sessions, slogan posters such as, ‘Keep Your Data Safe - Protect Your Privacy’, ‘Don't Click What You Don't Know’. Time and again they all draw our attention to use the internet responsibly and to be aware of the risks associated with online activities. They are simple yet powerful ways of refreshing people’s memory to practice safe online behaviour. 


Safer Internet Day, abbreviated as SID, has been celebrated globally since 2004 annually on the second day of the second week of the second month of the year. This was started under the Safe Borders Project to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically, and creatively. Since then the popularity of SID has continued to grow year after year. The theme year after year is chosen to reflect a current issue impacting children and young people online. 


This year it was celebrated on 6th February 2024 to spread awareness about online safety. The theme for the current year is “Making a Difference, Managing Influence, and Navigating Change Online.” The idea behind these themes is to encourage everyone by raising awareness for a safer and better internet environment, especially for children, caregivers, teachers, educators, the industry at large, and other young people. In India, initiatives like Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas are observed which is celebrated on the first Wednesday of every month for creating awareness.


The Internet Safety Awareness Booklet for Digital Nagriks and Digital Enterprises was released on 6th February by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology by the Government of India in association with CERT-In's (Computer Emergency Response Team- India) for awareness initiatives to educate the users on the best practices that need to be followed for using the internet safely and securely. This booklet is in the form of a poster using more pictures for better understanding among young people. The cyber crime fraud can be reported on #1930. Attached herewith is the booklet for ready reference. 


Harpreet Gandhi 

CT 2 Vega

The Orbis School, Keshav Nagar

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