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The Orbis School, Pune Support for International Students Adapting to the Indian Environment

(A) Explanation of the growing trend of international students seeking education in India:

In today’s rapid progress of the world, the significance of International Education and the change of environment for a student cannot be overemphasized. Higher education has become increasingly internationalised, with students from different countries seeking education opportunities abroad. India is one of the popular destinations for international students pursuing higher education, due to its affordable tuition, first-class education, and cultural diversity. Apart from providing education to foreign students, India has now opened various platforms for training and internship programs. It is specially designed to help them gain experience in their respective field of learning.


(B) Understanding the needs of International students:

They can face several challenges, including language barriers, social and cultural differences, financial help, and adjusting to a new environment. There are many opportunities to learn the local language by joining a part-time class available in an online/offline mode. Adapting to an unfamiliar environment including course requirements, grading systems, and classroom culture. International students may face issues of budget for their basic needs like food, travel, renting an apartment, etc. Scholarships are one of the easiest ways to help them release their financial burdens, but students will need to manage their finances without relying on them. Also, they need to establish social networks to overcome the unfamiliarisation of social and cultural norms. Building a community with good and supportive people who would help them create a sense of belonging would grant relief.

Orbis School’s cultural integration programs are meticulously designed to foster an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated and embraced. Through a myriad of initiatives, such as cultural exchange events, language immersion programs, and cross-cultural workshops. Orbis School creates opportunities for students to engage with and learn from people of different backgrounds. These programs not only enhance cultural awareness but also promote empathy, understanding, and respect for others' perspectives and traditions. By encouraging students to step out of their comfort zones and interact with peers from diverse cultural backgrounds. Orbis School’s commitment to cultural integration goes beyond the classroom, creating a vibrant community where every individual feels valued and empowered to contribute positively to society.


(C) Academic support services:

Orbis School follows the CBSE curriculum with a progressive outlook, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education that evolves with the times. The emphasis on experiential learning is particularly commendable, as it allows students to not only grasp the “what’s” and “how’s” of concepts but also understand the “why’s” behind them. This approach fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills, empowering students to seek out their answers and take ownership of their learning journey. Moreover, the school’s focus on subjects like Robotics, Coding, and Artificial Intelligence goes beyond the traditional curriculum, preparing

students for the demands of the modern world. By exposing them to emerging technologies and interdisciplinary fields, they get equipped with valuable skills that are increasingly relevant in today’s job market. Through the use of worksheets, audiovisuals, and activity-based learning modalities, the school ensures that every student has the opportunity to excel and reach their full potential. Overall, the school’s proactive methodologies and commitment to holistic education are commendable, preparing students not just for academic success but also for success in life beyond the classroom.


(D) Encouragement for prospective International students to consider Orbis School as their academic destination for a fulfilling cultural and educational experience:

(i) Welcome to Orbis School, where cultural immersion meets academic excellence! As a prospective international student, choosing Orbis means embracing a vibrant community dedicated to fostering cross-cultural understanding and personal growth. At Orbis, you’ll not only receive a top-tier education but also immerse yourself in a diverse and inclusive environment where every voice is valued and celebrated. Our dedicated faculty members are committed to providing you with the support and guidance you need to excel academically and personally. With a wide range of programs and resources tailored to your individual needs, your journey at Orbis will be both enriching and fulfilling.

 (ii) Join our global family of students and scholars who are passionate about making a difference in the world. Orbis offers a dynamic learning experience that prepares you for success in today’s interconnected world.

 (iii) Come discover the endless opportunities awaiting you at Orbis School. Embrace new perspectives, forge lifelong friendships and embark on a transformative educational journey unlike any other. Your adventure begins here!

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Cultivating Critical Thinking in Your Child Through CBSE: Essential Steps

In today's rapidly evolving world, the ability to think critically is more important than ever. As parents, fostering this skill in our children is crucial for their academic success and future endeavours. Fortunately, the CBSE education provides a fertile ground for nurturing critical thinking skills in children. Through its holistic curriculum, emphasis on inquiry-based learning, application-oriented approach, continuous comprehensive assessment, project-based learning, and encouragement of open dialogue, CBSE equips students with the tools they need to become independent thinkers, problem solvers, and lifelong learners.

In this blog, we'll look at crucial actions parents may take to help their children develop critical thinking skills through CBSE education.

Understanding Critical Thinking: Defining the Concept for Parents

Critical thinking involves analyzing information, evaluating evidence, and making reasoned judgments. It's about asking questions, challenging assumptions, and thinking independently. As parents, understanding this concept is the first step in supporting our children's critical thinking development.

Creating an Environment Conducive to Critical Thinking Development

CBSE education encourages open dialogue and discussion in the classroom, where students are encouraged to voice their opinions, question assumptions, and engage in respectful debate. This free exchange of ideas not only broadens perspectives but also challenges students to think critically, defend their viewpoints, and consider alternative viewpoints. Likewise, create a home environment that values curiosity, inquiry, and open-mindedness. Encourage your child to ask questions, explore ideas, and express their opinions freely. Foster a culture of intellectual curiosity where learning is celebrated and mistakes are viewed as opportunities for growth. 

Encouraging Curiosity and Inquiry in Daily Activities

Encourage your child to explore diverse topics and interests that pique their curiosity. Whether it's through reading books, watching educational videos, or conducting hands-on experiments, provide opportunities for your child to engage in active learning and exploration.

Teaching Problem-Solving Techniques from an Early Age

Teach your child problem-solving techniques such as breaking down complex problems into smaller parts, brainstorming solutions, and evaluating alternatives. Encourage them to approach challenges with a positive mindset and persevere in finding solutions.

Engaging in Thought-Provoking Discussions and Activities

Engage your child in thought-provoking discussions on a wide range of topics, from current events to ethical dilemmas. Encourage them to consider different perspectives, challenge assumptions, and articulate their reasoning. Provide opportunities for debate, critical analysis,  reflection, and making connections between different concepts and disciplines.

Utilizing Real-World Examples to Enhance Critical Thinking Skills

Use real-world examples and scenarios to illustrate abstract concepts and enhance critical thinking skills. Discuss how critical thinking is applied in everyday situations, such as analyzing newspaper articles, advertisements, evaluating product reviews, or making financial decisions.

Providing Opportunities for Independent Exploration and Decision-Making

Empower your child to make independent decisions and take ownership of their learning journey. Encourage them to explore their interests, set goals, and pursue projects that align with their passions. Provide guidance and support, but allow them the freedom to explore and make mistakes.

By fostering a culture of curiosity, exploration, and critical inquiry, CBSE education empowers students to navigate the complexities of the world with confidence, clarity, and creativity. As a result, CBSE students emerge not only academically proficient but also intellectually curious, adaptable, and capable of making meaningful contributions to society.

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Exploring the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education: National AI Day Special

 In one scenario, imagine a classroom where a student is struggling to keep up with the pace of the lesson. With AI-powered educational tools, the student can receive individual feedback and guidance, allowing them to progress at their own pace and stay engaged. In another scenario, imagine a teacher who spends countless hours grading assignments and providing feedback. With AI-powered grading tools, the teacher can save time and focus on providing more targeted feedback to students. Additionally, AI can help identify areas where students are struggling and provide recommendations for additional resources or support.

In another scenario, imagine a student who speaks a different language than the teacher. With AI-powered translation tools, the teacher can communicate effectively with the students and ensure they receive the same level of instruction as their peers. AI can also assist in creating more inclusive learning environments by identifying and addressing any biases or inequalities.

The quote by Bill Gates highlights the crucial role of teachers in motivating and engaging students, while also acknowledging the transformative potential of technology, including artificial intelligence (AI), in revolutionising education. As advanced AI features become increasingly ubiquitous, it is evident that AI is swiftly embedding itself into our daily routines, altering industries, and redefining how we work, learn, and communicate. The rapid technological evolution underscores the critical need to integrate AI education into the curriculum to equip students with essential skills for future workforce demands and prepare them for academic success. It is imperative to recognise that both students and teachers face challenges in the classroom, and AI technologies can help address these challenges.

Artificial Intelligence in Education

Artificial intelligence (AI) is altering education by transforming the classroom experience for both students and teachers. With AI-powered educational tools, students can receive tailored feedback and guidance, allowing them to progress at their own pace and stay engaged. This innovative technology can also save teachers' time and enable them to provide more targeted feedback to their students. In addition, AI-powered translation tools can create more inclusive learning environments by facilitating effective communication between teachers and students who speak different languages. Integrating AI education into the curriculum is critical in preparing students for future workforce demands and ensuring academic success. However, it's important to remember that technology should never replace the vital role of teachers in motivating and engaging students. By embracing AI, we can transform the classroom experience and equip students with essential skills for success in the rapidly evolving technological landscape.

Unlocking the Potential: Artificial Intelligence in Education

AI has the potential to modernise the classroom experience, and real-life scenarios demonstrate how AI can support students and teachers. From personalised learning to immersive learning and gamification, AI technologies offer valuable support to students, making their learning experiences more engaging, effective, and inclusive. All students must learn about AI, as it prepares them for the future and teaches them to use technology responsibly. By incorporating AI into the curriculum, students can benefit from modified learning experiences, opening up career opportunities in technology and data science. Importantly, AI education fosters diversity in technology and helps fight against bias. It equips students with critical thinking, problem-solving, and ethical decision-making skills, preparing them to navigate and thrive in the future job market. However, it's important to remember that AI should be seen as a complement to, rather than a replacement for, the crucial role of educators in shaping the learning journey of students. Dedicated teachers ultimately guide and support students in their learning experiences, and AI can enhance and support the work that they do. By embracing AI in education and leveraging it effectively, we can create a more dynamic, engaging, and effective learning environment that prepares students for success in the 21st century. It's time to take advantage of the benefits of AI in education and ensure that all students can learn about this transformative technology. Therefore, integrating AI education into the curriculum is the need of the hour to keep pace with the rapidly evolving technological landscape. AI has the potential to transform the classroom experience by providing custom-made support, saving time for teachers, and promoting inclusivity.  

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Meet Your New Classmates: Building Connections in the Fresh Academic Year

As a new academic year dawns upon us, it brings with it a sense of excitement, anticipation, and the opportunity for new beginnings. For many students, one of the most thrilling aspects of starting a new school year is the chance to meet and connect with new classmates. Building meaningful relationships with peers not only enhances the academic experience but also fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie within the school community. Let us explore the value of establishing relationships with classmates for forging lasting friendships in the fresh academic year.

Embrace Diversity and Inclusivity

One of the most enriching aspects of meeting new classmates is the opportunity to interact with individuals from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. Embrace the diversity within your classroom and approach each interaction with an open mind and heart. By fostering inclusivity and respect for differences, you can create a welcoming, inclusive, and safe environment where everyone feels valued and accepted.

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Meeting new classmates can be both exciting and daunting, especially if you're naturally shy or an introvert. However, stepping out of your comfort zone and initiating conversations with your peers can lead to meaningful connections and friendships. Remember that everyone is in the same boat, and most people appreciate friendly gestures and genuine efforts to connect. Be approachable, smile, and be willing to engage in conversations with your classmates.

Participate in Icebreaker Activities

Take advantage of the various icebreaker activities that the educators incorporate into the first few days of school to help students get to know each other better.  Introduce yourself, share a fun fact, or participate in group activities. Icebreakers provide a relaxed and informal setting for interactions, making it easier to break the ice and start building connections with your classmates.

Be a part of Clubs and Extracurricular Activities

Participating in clubs, sports teams, or extracurricular activities is a great way to meet like-minded individuals who share your interests and passions. Whether you're passionate about sports, music, art, or community service, there's likely a club or activity that aligns with your interests. By joining these groups, you'll not only have the opportunity to pursue your hobbies but also build friendships with classmates who share your enthusiasm.

Be Kind and Supportive in actions and words

Building connections with classmates is not just about making friends; it's also about being kind, supportive, and empathetic towards others. Small gestures of kindness, such as offering a smile, lending a helping hand, or listening attentively to your classmates, can go a long way in building trust and rapport. Show genuine interest in getting to know your peers, and be there for them during both the good times and the challenging moments.

As you embark on a new academic year, remember that your classmates are not just fellow students; they're potential friends, allies, and sources of support on your educational journey. 

Here's to a fresh start, new friendships, and a memorable academic year ahead!

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