STEM is an abbreviation for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths. “STEAM” includes STEM plus the Arts – humanities, language arts, dance, drama, music, visual arts, design, and new media. The main difference between STEM and STEAM is STEM explicitly concentrates on scientific concepts. STEAM investigates the same concepts but does…

Every parent is anxious to give their child the best school experience because you are putting your child on a long, winding path of learning. Thus, this path needs to be selected carefully and wisely. A good school from the start will cause excellent success in the child's career. Selecting…

When looking for a good school for your child, make sure to keep certain parameters in mind. The academic reputation of a school is built on years of hard work and dedication. Speak to parents of wards studying in a particular school to determine the proficiency and competence of the…

The CBSE Board is a progressive, child-centric Board with its focus on the all-round development of the students. What are the factors that a parent needs to look out for when choosing a good CBSE school for their child?  A good CBSE school should have the following skill subjects to…

  As we are entering into a new era where social isolation has become the norm, the disruption to our lives has been sudden and drastic.  The education sector has witnessed a dramatic change too, moving from real-world classrooms to a virtual setting. As schools rapidly scramble to adjust to…

Monday, 25 January 2021 05:44

The depleting resources

The world is changing so much and so fast. I surely know that some 30-40 years back, I had not heard about the very unhealthy air quality (today that’s the first thing the phone depresses me with every morning), there was no alarm on the depleting ozone layer or melting…

Monday, 25 January 2021 05:43

New year brings new hope

Festivity is once again in the air people are gearing up to usher the new year. It is also the time when we exchange gifts, it brings happiness as these gifts convey the love and care of the giver. It is a strange emotion, where the person who makes the…

Monday, 25 January 2021 05:42

From the Principal’s Desk

Mental Health Day is celebrated the world over on 10th October. For many years, one’s emotional state was not given any importance. In fact, to have an emotional or mental issue was considered to be a sign of weakness and a social stigma, hence was often brushed under the carpet.…

Monday, 25 January 2021 05:37

The enormous canvas of life

The canvas of life is so enormous, so widespread, that to have one ultimate goal set for it, that remains relevant for all stages of life that one passes through, is almost impossible. Haven't we all had different ambitions at different junctures of our lives? Today a sailor, tomorrow an…

Tuesday, 08 December 2020 09:11

Nature and Lifestyle

The world is changing so much and so fast. I surely know that some 30-40 years back, I had not heard about the very unhealthy air quality (today that’s the first thing the phone depresses me with every morning), there was no alarm on the depleting ozone layer or melting…

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